Henrico will hold a public hearing Thursday, Feb. 16 | facebook.com/henricova
Henrico will hold a public hearing Thursday, Feb. 16 | facebook.com/henricova
Henrico will hold a public hearing Thursday, Feb. 16
Henrico will hold a public hearing Thursday, Feb. 16 to receive comments on the county’s draft HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, which proposes uses for $3.2 million in federal American Rescue Plan funding for a range of housing-support services.
The public hearing is scheduled for 6 p.m. at Fairfield Area Library, 1401 N. Laburnum Ave. The draft plan and other details are available at https://henrico.us/revit/home-arp-program/.
Allocation of HOME-ARP funds is limited to five eligible activities and the nonprofits and community organizations that provide them:
Development or acquisition of noncongregate shelter
Development of affordable rental housing
Tenant-based rental assistance
Supportive services
Nonprofit operating and capacity building
In addition to the public hearing, comments can be given by email at revitalization@henrico.us; by phone at (804) 501-7640; and at https://henrico.us/revit/home-arp-program/.
Original source can be found here